Home wallpaper used to be very popular on the eighties, Due to its materials, stiles, possibility of mold and mildew formation behind it, and the difficulty to be remove now it is old school.
At Masterpiece Painting Contractors, we have developed our own wallpaper removal system to make sure that your walls have a trending look and a perfect appearance adding dimension and personality to your space!
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Below are the “general steps” we will take on your wallpaper removal project. Your situation may vary depending upon your needs as outlined on your Proposal.
Move furniture and decor items from the room. We securely protect all floors flooring, furniture, fixtures and any immovable objects in the room with plastic sheeting to prevent any damage.
We spray water to the walls to wet down the wallpaper. This will help to break down the adhesive bond making scraping easier.
Once the preparation is appropriately completed the wallpaper removal begins.
- We grab pieces of wallpaper at a bottom corner and carefully pull upward. Use a wide putty knife to facilitate the removal of the paper.
- Strip backing paper repeating the above steps until all the paper is removed.
- Use a sponge to wipe down the walls, scrubbing carefully to remove all traces of wallpaper adhesive.
- Rinse down the walls with clean water and towel dry.
- Patch drywall imperfections.
- Remove loosen joint tape, put fiber mesh.
- Apply joint compound (Skim coating).
- Afterwards we sand the repairs done to the drywall to create an evenly leveled surface to avoid any inconsistencies.
Apply one even coat of pro-blocking primer to all skimmed walls to make sure the new paint is going to have a uniform appearance (no yellowing), a properly adhesion (no peeling), and to maintain its color (no bleeding through) for years to come. This will guarantee a long lasting job.
We’ll paint the walls with premium latex self-priming to get a uniform and durable finish.
Furniture and accessories are moved back to their desired locations. Floors and carpets are vacuumed and swept. All of our materials are removed.
After our own inspection, you are invited to inspect our work and asked to complete the feedback card for our wallpaper removal job and the crew.

Martin County: (772)333-6000